Gathering of Enhanzcom’s customers and partners in appreciation of their support and trust in the last 10 years. Event was held at a Brewerkz in the heart of town and attended by close to 100 customers and partners.
SIMTech’s flagship event. This annual event is a platform for the industry to exchange ideas, and initiate collaborations a`nd partnerships. Industry delegates from the manufacturing and related industry converge to discuss technology and business opportunities.
Enhanzcom’s CEO Edwin Seah was one of the speakers invited to share on our company’s collaboration with SIMTech and success stories with the industry.
Celebrating SIMTech’s 25th Anniversary at a Gala dinner with attendees representing various industry sectors and government agencies. This event was particularly special where SIMTech presented appreciation awards to their 12 Technology Extension Partners for their successful partnerships and collaboration over the years in driving innovation and research to market commercialization, enabling local companies to benefit and achieve business transformation and growth.
Enhanzcom was one of the Technology Extension Partners companies receiving this prestigious award for our partnership with SIMTech over the last 10 years.
SME Day is one of main SME Conference and Exhibition events co-organised by A*STAR and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) annually. This event focuses on bringing together technology and solution providers from the public and private sectors, where SMEs can better understand and explore relevant technology towards achieving business growth, sustainability, and enhancing productivity.
Since 2014, Enhanzcom has been participating as an exhibitor interacting and showcasing our workflow digitisation services and solutions to the industry. In 2017, Edwin Seah was one of the speakers at the Show & Tell breakout sessions sharing on Enhanzcom’s software development technology platform to an audience of over 200 industry participants.